Monday, January 30, 2006

Rang De Basanti

If you think this is a patriotic film then you are wrong and if you think this is not a patriotic film then again you are wrong. And I think this is the beauty of the Rang de Basanti. By the you start thinking about this, film starts showing the credits and you have to get out from the hall.

I am not going to tell you the story of the film but it's a thoughtful film about the 'masti', about today's youth and their thoughts for patriotism. This film infact also tell you can not preach anyone to be a patriotic, it comes from inside. Also show the gray shades of friendship between politician and businessmen. In the first half you will go back to your college days and then in second half back to reality, which is harsh and some youths are just so scared to face it. They don't want to lost themself in the crowd of out-side world and thay why main character of film DJ (Aamir) always wants to be in college.

Film also has very good and point to point dialogue, as 'There is no nation which is perfect, it's us who make her perfect' or 'Make documentary in Gandhi, because hi is more sellable not Chandra shekhar Ali ( corrected by sue, it's Ajad not Ali)' or 'Our one feet is in past and one in future and in today we just do pee' or 'In the age of SMS, 4 line of conversation looks you a lecture'. There is some more but I have a very poor memory just like the 'Aam janta' (General public).

Songs are good, 'masti ki Pathshala', 'rubru', 'rang de basanti' are few. Songs and dialogues are penned by ad man Prasonn Joshi. And after watching film you realize the man who gave coke the tagline 'Thanda matlab cola' is going to be hot in this market very soon.

Music is pleasent and takes time for feel good factor just like any other Rehman classics. Couple of songs are really too good. I never saw Delhi so beautiful, Cinematography is superb. This man vinod pradhan is really good with camera. I liked the concept of telling the story, Story and direction is wonderful. Even though first half seems little slow sometime but still you can enjoy the slowness. Acting is awesome by everyone and I think somewhat credit goes to director Rakyesh too for this. But people who likes watching hero heroine singing songs around tree or rain will be disappointed.

So it's better to go to 'Masti ki Pathshala' and get 'Rubaru' with 'Rang De Basanti'. Verdict: Must Watch


Tarun said...

My Blog "To B(log) or not to B(log)" it is just used to modify and tweak my template.

Pallavi said...

I am looking fwd to watch this.. :) will be catching it soon :)

Unknown said...

even am eager to watch it. will watch it very soon.. by this weekend..
btb, am glad tht this film of Aamir's has worked out..
and tht too in a great way..
and thanks for the nice review.. this is the n-th nicest review am reading abt this film.. till now no negative reviews :)

Brood Mode said...

agree! a real must watch movie!

an intelligent movie for a change

Brood Mode said...

agree! a real must watch movie!

an intelligent movie for a change

Prakash said...

Hi tarun..
after long time man...thanks for the lines during my holiday.. hope ur doing great with the new year...
about the hindi film..cant comment on that cos dont understand a word in dont watch movies..
about the boys lagging behind ....when i was there in sri lanka i noticed the same most of the boys are busy roaming the streets...
will write a post soon on these...

Shriedhar said...

liked it very much..

n had been to masti ki pathshaala
twice :)

Anonymous said...

didn't like the movie. thought they tried to cover too much in too little time.