Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Beauty and the Geek

Yesterday I was watching one of the old episode of 'Beauty and the Geek' on WB. This show matches physically attractive, but intellectually challenged women with geeky-looking, socially inept, "genius" men, and have them try to learn from each other. The show starts out with seven beauties and seven geeks and then eliminated one by one until last pair left. The men and women take turns choosing partners by introducing themselves in gender-divided rooms. The women try to learn about academia from the men while the men try to learn social skills from the women. The pairs must room together (i.e. sleep in the same bed) in a large mansion that also provides the setting of the show.

I was surprized to see that some of the beauties were even not able to spell the word 'Tattoo' and 'Calendar'. When asked from one of the beauty, tell 3 states of USA which starts with word 'New'. She looked speechless. Inspite of this host Brian asked the question "Name the prime minister of england" from one of the beauty at elimination round and little surprize to me he didn't get the right answer. Quite interesting na, part 2 is going to start I think from this jan. 12th.


Keshi said...

lols sounds like an inetersting show.

How dumb can a woman get? I mean I cant understand women who have the social skills, etiquette etc but dun have the knowledge of their own country or dunno how to spell??


B said...

I just saw that series for 2 minutes today while surfing. I'll try to catch it next time. Sounds interesting!

Soumya said...

nice change...
and pic is really grt...

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

I guess there are few with beauty and brains!! Only one comes in abundance!

Keshi said...

new posty Tarun :)


bablu said...

Just goes to show - How dumb some Woman are... Which channel does this show come on ???