Game starts with 7 preset, bloodthirsty rivals as in reality, in this game too Gandhi and his India not only survived but got the victory too. Game start with this tiny portion of visible land, and Gandhi's settler first found Delhi and India started exloring the world.
(1786 AD center part of the India - Purple portion in the small window at the bottom is map of India)
Confused? What's going on? What Gandhi is doing here? ok! let me start from the beginning. I am here talking about a turn based strategic game named Civilization, I am a big fan of this game or should I say addicted to this game. This game is basically very very broader version of chess with the twist and turns of world history. Game starts from 4000 BC and you as a one civilization have to explorer the world and meet with new civilization. As the game continue you have to dominate the world either diplomatically or becoming a leader in tech race (space race victory) or conquest (as British did in the past) one small mistake or wrong move can give AI (computer) a good chance to invade or distroy your civilization.
So this month's Conquest of the month civilization was India. Month of august and COTM India, I couldn't stop myself and started playing the Game. And by the end of 1786 AD, Gandhi's India won the diplomatic victory
Here is the results
And that win was possible because of India built United Nations in Delhi
At the end of the game, this was the score card:
check this for more detail about civilization, Also you can check more pictures by clicking on Flicker window in the right, if interested.
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